First Session of Foot Care Workshop!
We began our first session ever at Multi-Service Center South. Approximately 30 homeless people came to check it out. Some were only able to stay for awhile, but a handful were able to stay. We had muffins and juice for breakfast and brought a bunch of shoes. First we had a discussion on the different foot health concerns everyone had. Then, Liza and I talked about ten steps to take care of your feet. Everyone enjoyed the presentation and had a lot of questions! There was also a lady who had an ulcer on her bunion and I gave her antibiotic and bandaid and told her to have it checked at the Wednesday night foot clinics. Finally, every one who agreed filled out a survey so we can assess what are the podiatric needs of the homeless population.
Our first session went quite smoothly. Next time, we plan to find a quieter room with less distractions and hopefully be able to bring a podiatrist once in awhile in to do foot screenings/clinic. We look forward to doing more sessions! Pictures to be posted soon . . .